Does push up build muscle

 Push ups

Push up is on of the most performed exercise by the people whether you are in gym  or doing home workout. 

The very first exercise  you try  to learn or do is push up, some of you do it in proper form while some don't and they get injured. 

But while doing push up the common question that comes in your mind is do really push up build muscle? Or how much time it takes to build muscle by doing pushup. 

Here I will provide the answer, of the question that most of you have in your mind. 

Does push up build muscles

This is the first question that comes in your mind, whenever you are doing pushup or thinking to do pushup . 

And the answer is yes push up definitely helps in building muscle and strengthen your body, if you perform it in correct form. 

It is one of the best exercise for upper body ,but it also helps  in strengthening lower body. 

If you perform push up with correct form then definitely you will start to notice  the changes in your body. 

The correct form of push up

Push up is one of the simplest form of exercise, but most of you perform it in the wrong form, which results bin back pain, wrist pain etc. 

To get the maximum results of push ups you should try to perform it in correct form, if you are beginner try to do under the guidance of experts or knows the correct form of push up. 

One of the most  common wrong form while  doing push up in the arched back, which results in back problems. You should try to strengthen your core muscles and squeeze your butt son you don't form an arched back. 

Another mistake you make is the position of your arms, your arms should always be vertical line under shoulder. 

While performing pushup don't put much pressure on your wrist, it will let you to wrist pain. 

The hand position while performing standard push up, your hand should be slightly wide apart from your shoulder width. 

While performing push up you should try to make tension on your muscles, in order to get maximum results. 

Most you perform pushup half range and don't make enough tension on your muscles. 

How many repetition should you do

Okay  now you know that push up helps in building muscles, also you get to know the correct form of push up

So, now how many reps should you do to get better results. 

Most of you think performing maximum repetitions  helps to build muscle fast and you try to do maximum number of push up without rest. 

That's the wrong way of doing pushup you should try to give time to your muscle to recover. 

If you are a beginner  then you should first try to focus on your form, doing push up with proper form  gives you better and faster results. 

Doing  2 reps of pushup with proper form is far better than performing 5 reps with inproper  form. 

You should try to do at least 6-12 reps of pushups with proper form. Do 3  sets of 6-12  reps, taking 10-30 seconds of rest between each sets. 

If you get comfortable with that than you can try to add weight on your back, or even can try different variations. 

Remember always give time to recover your muscle, you can do it every alternative days and try to avoid the injuries. 

How long it takes to see changes in your body

Another question arises on your mind, how long does it takes to build muscle by doing push ups

If you are performing push up with proper form and also maintaining a healthy diet you will start to see changes in a month. 

But however it varies from person to person die to genetics but most of you can see changes in a month. 

But for those who are not seeing any changes, you should not give up and keep patience and work hard and stay dedicated and you can change your diet than you can see changes in  some weeks. 

If you continue doing pushup with proper  form then you will get better result and see a  massive changes in your body. 

Remember it is not an overnight process, you need to keep  patience and always stay dedicated. 


Pushup is one of the best exercise to build muscle and strengthening your upper body. 

Performing pushup with proper form will also helps to build your lower body. 

If you  perform with correct form then it will help you to change your upper body in a couple of  months. 

Pushup is one of the most perform exercise by the people  in order to build muscle. 

If you don't perform pushup in a proper form you will end up by injuring yourself, so it is important to always focus on your form then focusing on your repetitions. 

If you get to know the proper form than you can increase your repetitions slowly. 

Here, I have given some tips on how to maintain a proper form based on my experience and how many repetitions should you perform for better results. 


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