Tips to improve your eye sight

Most  of you  work daily in front of computers, laptop etc, and many of you spend nearly 7-8 hours  using mobile phone, which can effect your vision. 

As it is a digital age most of you prefer to work from your computers and spending hours and hours sitting in front of your computer screen.


Due to this many of you are facing vision problems or you are in a way of  suffering from those problems. 

So, if you are a kind of person who spend hours  and hours in front of computer , laptop screen  or mobile, you should also try to take care of your eyes. 

You can eat food that is good for eye, you can do eye exercise etc. 

Here are some tips which can help you to take care of your eyes.

Get a proper sleep

Getting a proper sleep can help in relaxing your eyes. 

Not getting a proper sleep can effect your eyes and make your eyes dry. 

Dry eyes can cause pain in your eyes ,it makes your eyes red and also it causes itching in your eyes ,which can even cause blurred visions. 

You should try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep  so your eyes can get proper rest. 

Take break

If you are a type of person who have to work from your computers screen all day then you should try to take small breaks from your screen. 

Many of you have notice seeing in a computer screen for long time can cause strain in your eyes some of  you even feel itches in your eyes and also headaches. 

So, you should try to take break while working from your computer screen ,you can close your eyes and relax or even can try to look somewhere else. 

If you try to take small break it can lower the strain from your eyes and helps in relaxing your eyes. 

Practice eye exercises

As exercise is important for your body many of you may perform different types of exercise to keep your body healthy, likewise you can also perform eye exercise to keep your eyes healthy

Many of you have heard of many eye exercise, while many of you may wonder is their any eye exercise ? 

There are many eye exercise I would love to perform two eye exercise daily. 

The first one, you can rub your palm together and hold it in your eyes for  5-10  seconds. I would like to do this exercise early in the morning , while rubbing palms also helps in blood circulation. 

Another one is rotating your eyes clock wise and anti clock wise for 5 -10 times .

Their are many other eye exercise like massaging your eyes etc

Eat food that contains omega 3 fatty acid

Omega  3  fatty acids helps to make your eyes stronger. 

Omega 3 fatty acids can improve your visual sight as it is consider one of the healthy fat. 

Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in fish ,so if you eat fish once a week you should try to eat more as it is healthy for your eyes, for those who don't like to eat fish you can take omega 3 fish supplement which comes in capsule or powder. You should visit doctor before taking those supplements. 

Go for morning walk 

 Going for a morning walk is so beneficial for your body. 

Most of you spend most of your times sitting indoor that also in front of computer or mobile etc which can cause many eye problems. 

Many of you may spend your day sitting in front of computer screen, which is slowly effecting your vision. 

You should try to go for morning walk, it is so healthy not only for your body but also for your eyes it can prevent you from eye diseases like Myphoia etc. It can even release your stress. 

Walking for 30 minutes everyday  can help you maintain a healthy heart which also improves your eye sight. 

Eat a healthy food

 You should  try to eat a healthy food if you want to improve your vision. 

Many of you have heard  eating carrots daily can make your eye sight better and it's true  because carrots are rich in vitamin A. 

As vitamin A is an essential nutrient for your eyes, but it doesn't mean that you should not eat other vitamins. You should include food  which are rich in vitamin C ,E Zinc  in your diet which also helps in improving your vision. 

You should eat foods like orange, carrots ,pumpkin and egg yolks  which is beneficial for your eyes. 


Sitting in  front of computer screen and working is not an easy job, it causes many eye problem so it is  important to take care of your eyes. 

You can take care of your eyes by exercising your eyes, eating some healthy nutrients foods which will be beneficial for your eyes. 

You should try to take small break while you are working in front of computer screen continuously  you need to get a proper sleep you can try eye exercise, you can even go for morning walk. 

This small practices can protect your eyes from many eye diseases. 

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