Best foods to gain weight and build muscles

Many of you may have problem in gaining weight or adding lean muscles in your body. 

Having a low weight body may cause many difficulties for some of you. 

However, eating a certain amount of foods which are good for weight gain can help you to gain weight and build lean muscles. 

You need to eat foods which contains good amount of calories and need to eat  at a proper time every 2-3 hours which will help you to gain weight. 

However you also need to perform exercise which will help you to gain muscles and make you stronger. 

Here are some of the foods which you can add in your diet which will help you to gain weight. 


Eggs are considered one of the important and healthiest foods for muscle building. Eggs are a good source of protein. 

However eating too many eggs in a day may be not good for some of you . 

Proteins are also considered building blocks. Eggs are not only rich in protein but also it contains healthy fats. 

Most of the people who perform physical activity eats eggs daily due to it's protein contain. 

Eggs can be very beneficial for you if you want to gain healthy weight and put some healthy muscles in your body. 

Eggs are rich in protein but it also contains other essential nutrients that your body needs. 


Milk is one of the important drink you should consume as it contains all the nutrients your body needs. 

Milk is a good source of protein, it is also rich in calcium. 

The proteins present in the milk helps you to gain weight but in the form of lean muscle. 

Drinking milk may help you to gain weight but it is also important to do some strength training and also you should increase your calorie intake. 

You can make milk shake for weight gain, you can add fruits and nuts  which will increase  calories intake. 

However many of you may face digestive problems while drinking milk, if you face such problem you should stop taking it and console a doctor. 

Drinking milk before bed time may help you better sleep


Peanuts is another good food for people who wants to gain weight as it contains all the nutrients your body needs. 

Peanuts are rich in protein but also it contains fiber , magnesium and healthy fats. 

Peanuts are high in protein as well as high in calories which is good for gaining weight. 

In 28 grams of peanuts it contains almost 166 calories. 

Peanuts have many benefits like it boost metabolism ,keeps your heart healthy, it is high in fiber ,loaded with vitamins and minerals. 

You can eat peanuts as snacks or as mid day snacks. 

You can eat 20-25 grams of peanuts in a day. 

While eating too much peanuts in a day may cause you digestive problems etc. 

Chicken breast

You may have heard that people saying chicken breast is one of the good source of protein and also helps to gain weight. 

You can eat chicken breast at dinner or at lunch , if you eat chicken breast you also need to add some vegetables which will  be beneficial for you to gain weight. 

Chicken breast are packed with high protein ,100grams of chicken breast contains almost 31 grams of high quality protein. 

They also contains other vitamins which helps to function your body properly and also boost your performance in any kind of physical activities. 


Fruits are also good way which can helps you to gain healthy weight. 

Many people who are finding it difficult to gain weight ends up eating many junk foods to gain weight which is not a good way to gain weight. 

Instead of eating junk foods their are many other  good fruits which helps you to gain healthy weight. 

You can eat fruits like banana, it is one of the fruits which are high on calories which will help you to gain weight. 1 medium banana contains almost 105 calories. 

You can eat dried fruits which are also high in calories. A cup of raisins  contains 493 calories. 

Mangoes are also one of the fruits which are high in calories. 

Chiku are high in calories but you should try to consume more. 

You can consume this fruits which are high in calories band helps you to gain weight. 


Many  of you may have a habits of eating nuts or if you don't have a habit of eating nuts then you should  try to eat nuts. 

Nuts are one of the healthy source of proteins, fats and fiber. 

Their are many nuts you can eat which will help you to gain weight. 

Consuming nuts regularly can help you to gain weight . You can eat nuts  as snacks. 

You should try to eat nuts daily which will help you to gain weight .

 You can eat nuts like walnuts ,cashew etc which are rich in protein. 


If  you want to gain a weight and put a good amount of muscles then you should not neglect eating  vegetables. 

Many of you may neglect eating vegetables but it is one of the good way to gain a healthy weight instead of eating fried foods and gaining unhealthy weights. 

Their are many vegetables which are high in calories  which helps you to gain weight. Some of the vegetables you can include are potatoes , 100 grams of potatoes contains almost 77 calories, sweet potatoes  100 grams of boiled sweet potatoes contains  86 calories. 

You can also eat green peas, kidney beans, soya bean ,olive oil etc. 

You can add this vegetables in your diet which will help you to gain weight


Many  of you may be finding it difficult to gain weight or put some lean mass in your body. 

Many of you may even try to eat junk foods to gain weight but you may gain unhealthy weight which may causes diseases later. 

However, eating a good amount of  healthy foods which are high in calories can help you to gain a healthy weight and put some lean mass

Thier are many  healthy foods which are high in calories which will help you to gain weight like eggs, chicken breast, peanuts  dried fruits, milk  vegetables which you can include in your diet for weight gain. 

However, it is also important to perform exercise to gain lean muscles instead of fat while consuming those foods. 

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