5 simple exercises to get abs at home

Many of you wants to build a six pack abs but then one thought  always comes in your mind that it is difficult to get a well defined abs, yes it may be difficult for some of you but it is not impossible. 

Everyone of you can get a well defined abs if you work a little harder. 

You may think getting a six pack abs or well toned mid section  is complicated but it is not that complicated you may think. 

You can do most of the abs exercise anywhere like home, park etc and you don't even need an equipments to perform most the abs exercise. 

Below listed exercise are some of simple exercises you can do  to get a well defined abs without any equipments


Sit ups are one of the most performed exercise by the people who are working on their abdominal muscles. 

Sits ups helps to strengthen your core muscles if performed in a correct form. 

However, sits ups can be bad for your back and neck when you performed it in bad form. 

Most common mistakes you make when you do sits ups are pulling on your neck which causes your neck muscles to strain, not contracting the abdominal muscle, relaxing abs between the repetitions. 

To perform the sit-ups

To perform the perfect sit-ups lower  your back flat on the floor. 

Keep your feet aligned with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 

To perform sit-ups you don't need any equipments and you can perform anywhere. 

Leg raises

Leg raises are another effective exercise for your abdominal muscles. 

It basically effects on your lower abs and is effective in your lower abdominal muscles

Many of you make mistakes while performing the leg raises, while performing leg raises you should not arch your back which may causes  problem in your back further, you should not put pressure on your chest or shoulder. 

To perform leg raises

  • While performing leg raises lie on your back, keep your legs straight and together.
  • Place your hand in side or under your glutes. 
  • Keeping your legs straight lift your legs up. 
  • Slowly lower your legs back down on the floor but not touching the floor. 
  • Repeat it about 8-12 reps with 3 sets. 

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers is another great exercise for your abs which you can perform anywhere and you don't need any equipments to perform mountain climbers. 

Mountain climbers can be effective for your overall body but it mainly effect in your arms, shoulder and  core. 

While you are performing mountain climber you should not make arch in your back. 

To perform the mountain climbers

  • Start with the plank position with distributing your weight equal in your hand and toes. 
  • Your hand should be shoulder width apart ,back should not be arched and don't drop your lower back. 
  • Bring your knee to your chest and then switch the other knee. 
  • You can boost your speed to make it a little harder. 
  • Or you can even bring your knees towards your elbow which makes it harder  to perform and effect in your oblique. 

Russian twist

Russian twist is an simple and effective way to engage your abdominal muscles and obliques. 

You don't need any equipments to perform this exercise and you can perform this exercise anywhere, it helps you to loose your love handles and strengthen your core muscles. 


While performing Russian twist many of you tend to bring your body forward and make curve instead of keeping your back flat and slightly bent backwards. 

To perform Russian twist

  • Sit down on the floor, bent your knees and lift your legs from the floor . 
  • Keep your back slightly backwards and when you feel like  your abs are engaged then hold onto that position. 
  • Bring your arms forward,lock you fingers together. 
  • Using abdominal muscles twist to your right and then back to the center and then towards the left 
  • Repeat it 8-12 repetitions of 2-3 sets. 


Planks are one of the best exercise which helps to make your core muscles strong and it is effective. 

Performing the plank in the correct form can have a huge effect in your abdominal muscles also it is effective in your shoulder, and legs. 

But many of you may find it difficult to perform the plank , but when you perform plank everyday in a correct form then you will get more comfortable while doing plank. 

Plank can  also be good for your back if you performed it in correct position. 

While performing plank many of you doesn't keep your back straight and may injure your back further. 

To perform plank (standard plank) 

  • Lie down on your belly on a mat. 
  • Flex your feet and keep your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Keep your head and neck in neutral position. 
  • Keep your arms straight making a straight line from your head to toe. 

To perform forearm plank

  • Lie down on your belly on a mat. 
  • Keep your elbow straight on a ground below the shoulder and keep your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Keep your head and neck in neutral position which should not cause strain in your neck. 
  • Then squeeze your glute and quads and engage your core muscles. 
  • Practice doing it daily  about 15-30 seconds and when you feel comfortable then try on increasing  2-3 seconds everyday. 


Many of you may want to build a six pack abs but you may think it is difficult to get a well defined abs or get a well toned mid section.

But their are many simple abs exercise which may be done without using any equipment and you can perform  this exercise anywhere and it does not require much time. 

Some of the exercises which you may perform are sit-ups  leg raises , russian twist, planks etc . All this exercise can be done anywhere and you don't need any equipments to perform this exercise . 

All this exercise may not only be effective in your core muscles but also it may be helpful for your shoulder  , back etc and mainly it helps to strengthen your core muscles. 

Here I have given some tips how to perform some if the abdominal exercises and how to avoid the mistakes and perform those exercise without being injured. 




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