Simple ways to keep your heart healthy


Heart diseases are increasing daily ,as we heard mostly that people are dying of many heart diseases. 

People are trying many things to keep their heart healthy they exercise daily try to manage their stress. 

To keep your heart healthy it depends upon on your lifestyle, eating habits .

Heart is one of the important organ but we don't try to keep it healthy we load it with stress and unhealthy diets which increases the chance of heart diseases. 

You eat many unhealthy foods that effect your heart and does not letting your heart to work properly and also stress is another reason for heart diseases. 

Eat more fish

Many of you may know that fish contains a healthy omega 3 fatty acids . These are known as the healthy fats. 

People who eat fatty fish have good cardiovascular health. So it will be good if you try to eat more fish. 

There are many fatty fish you can consume which is good for your health. 

Fatty fish contains  many vitamins and minerals  which also help to maintain a healthy heart

Fish can contain many other healthy minerals which makes your heart stronger. 

You should try to eat fish 2-3  times a week which will be beneficial to keep your heart strong. 

Eat more nuts

Many of you  have a habits of eating nuts, so if you have  a habit of eating nuts then you should try to eat walnuts. 

Walnuts improves the flexibility of the arteritis. Eating walnuts can protect your arteries from damages  that can follow a meal high in saturated fats. 

It contains protein, fibres which are very useful for your heart. It also helps in decreasing the bad Cholesterol. 

It is rich in vitamin E which help to decrease the level of bad Cholesterol. 

Drink green tea

Many people may know that green tea is one of the most consumed drink for people who is trying to loose weight. 

But green tea not only helps in loosing weight but also improves your cardiovascular system. 

It is found that people who drink green tea has less chance of getting a heart attack or any cardiovascular diseases. 

Green tea also improves the brain  function  It also decrease the risk of different types of cancer. 

You should try to drink at least one cup of green daily which will help to keep your heart healthy. 

Drinking green tea daily not only keep your heart healthy but also prevent you from many diseases. 

Reduce your stress

Stress is one of the main reason that can hae a huge impact on your heart health. 

Stress does not only effect the heart but can also effect your body and your mental health. 

You should try to reduce your stress in order to keep your heart healthy. 

You can try  different methods to reduce your stress you should always try to release your mind and try to keep it calm. 

You can try to perform exert which will help to reduce stress and keep your heart healthy. You can take a break to reduce your stress  you can go for a walk. 

Manage your weight

Not managing  a proper weight can lead to many health diseases  

If you are overweight you can suffer from many diseases  so does if you are underweight. 

Not managing  your weight can have a huge effect on your heart health, they can cause high cholesterol ,diabetes etc. 

If you  are unable to maintain a healthy weight than you can be effected from serious heart health. 

If you can maintain a healthy diet than you can maintain a healthy weight which will lower the risk of many heart health

You can console a Nutrionist  for a proper diet plan if you are unable to make by yourself. 

 Do more physical activity

Try to engage yourself in moderate type of physical activity. 

You should always try to engage your body in some kind of physical activity which will be beneficial for your health. 

Performing a moderate amount of physical activity can help your heart to pump blood at a  good rate  and helps to maintain blood pressure level. 

You can go for  walk or for jogging ,cycling  etc which will be beneficial for your heart to be healthy. 

If you play sports you can play different types of outdoor sports but you have to make sure to get a proper amount of rest. 


Heat is one of the most important organ  , but  more of you often neglect your heart health ,which  can cause effect your overall health. 

Many of you intends to eat unhealthy food that is  not good for your heart and another  reason for your heart diseases is stress, so you must try to reduce your stress if you want to maintain a healthy heart. 

This are many ways which you can follow to make  your heart healthy, you have to maintain a healthy diet which is important for your health. 

You need to eat fish, nuts which is good for your heart , other next thing you should  reduce your stress level, you should try to be physically active and most important you should maintain a healthy weight. 


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