How to loose belly fat


Are you struggling to to get a flat belly. 

Are you tired of trying different methods to loose belly fat. 

As you know belly fat can cause many diseases, many of you may feel uncomfortable due to the fat present in your belly. Having a fat stored I  a belly makes it difficult to do your daily activities and makes you feel tired easily. 

Their can be many reasons for your fat stored in your belly  If you take too much stress that can also causes fats to stored in your belly, not maintaining a proper diet eating unhealthy food not eating fiber. 

Most of you eat fried foods that cause you to  get unhealthy fats, lack of physical activities ,laziness also cause you to get unhealthy fat. You should also try to maintain carbohydrates intake, if you are eating too much carbs you should lowe the intake of carbohydrates. 

Here are some tips to loose belly fat

Do more physical activity

If you are a type of person who has to do work sitting in one place then you should definitely try to perform more physical activities. 

Many of you don't perform physical activity which causes fats to store in your belly, you should always try to perform at least 30 minutes of physical activities. 

If you don't have time to perform physical activities  then you should try to move your body constantly that also helps you to burn calories. 

You can try to go for walk , running or play any sports ,cycling a this can help you to burn calories. 

Avoid eating fast food

If you are eating too much of fast food to save your time then remember that food is also effecting your health, by getting unhealthy fat to stored in your body and that fat is stored in your belly. 

If you are consuming fast food daily then you are in a way of getting excessive fat to store in your belly. 

If you want to get a flat stomach than you should give up eating fast food ,instead of eating fast food you can replace it with healthy foods and fruits. 

Instead of eating fast food get yourself in a habit of eating a healthy foods. 

Cut the carbs

If you want to get flat belly than you should start to watch the intake of carbohydrates. 

If your goal is to get flat belly than you should stop eating excessive carbohydrates. For people who wants to gain weight than they can eat more carbohydrates. 

You should consume less foods that are rich in carbohydrates  like white rice etc. 

Reduce your stress

Many of you know the effects of stress on your health. 

Excessive stress is not good for your health you may know it makes you feel unhealthy ,it cause you to improper sleep  you cannot focus on your work, low concentration etc. 

It also effects your physical health makes  you tired and low in energy. 

However ,stress also make you to get more fat to stored in your belly. 

As excessive stress produce a hormone known  as cortisol, which makes the food you eat to store directly into your belly. 

So, it is important for you to stay less stress which helps you to lower the fats from your belly. 

Do exercises that engages your core

If your  goal is to get a flat belly than you should start to do exercise that engages your core. 

If you perform the abs exercise in a correct way then you can definitely get a benefit from that. 

Si, if you are tired of doing crunches then you should try to do other exercises that engages your core. 

Their are many  exercise you can do for your core like burpees, mountain climbers,  Russian twist etc. 

All this exercise not only work for your belly but also it engages other muscles like it engages your oblique, lats, shoulder ,chest etc. 

You should try performing this exercise in order to loose belly fat. 

Eat more fibers

You may have heard that if you want to lower the belly fat then you should start eating more fiber. 

As eating more fiber is directly linked with fat loss because it slows down the food passing from your digestive system which makes you feel less hungry. 

So, you must check your foods if it contains fiber or not. 

Belly fat is unhealthy and is also responsible for many diseases also it increase the chance if heart diseases. 

You should try to eat soluble fiber as mostly insoluble fibres acts as a bulking agent. Eating soluble fiber helps you to loose belly fat. 

So, you should include more soluble fibre in your diet that helps you to loose belly fat. 


Many of you may be struggling to loose belly fat and you may be tired of doing crunches etc. 

Belly fat is unhealthy and it can increase the risk of many diseases including heart disease etc. 

But, belly fat can loss thier are many ways you can try to loose belly fat like managing your diet, lowering the carbohydrates intake ,eating more soluble fiber avoid eating fast foods  reduce stress and perform physical activities. 

You can try this simple habits which may help you to loose your belly fat. 

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