5 simple habits to stay fit

 Due to busy lifestyle people find it difficult to stay fit. People are getting into stressful lifestyle, with a busy schedule, people get into unhealthy eating habits. 

The main reason for health problems are unhealthy lifestyle, not eating a good food ,lack of physical exercise etc

Here are five simple habits which will help to stay fit :

1. Physical exercise

Physical exercise can improve health and also reduces the risk of diseases. Doing physical exercise regularly helps in boosting immune system. 

One should at least 30 minutes of physical exercise like jogging, swimming or playing any outdoor sports. 

Before doing any physical exercise or playing any sports one should always warm up or do some stretching etc 

Doing regular physical exercise can reduces the health risk , improves ability to perform day to day activities, helps in managing weights. It also releases stress, frustration and brings the positive energy. 

2.Maintaining a good eating habits

The way of our eating habits determines our health. Having a good eating habits improves our body needs. 

Due to our busy schedule we often eating an unhealthy food which leads to many health issues, we gain excessive weight, we develop heart diseases etc. It also effects in our daily activities. 

We should try to develop a healthy eating habits we should avoid eating junk food, fizzy drinks etc. We should include fruits, vegetables in our food. Right food helps in developing physical as well as mental health. 

Healthy food provides right amount of energy to do our daily activity. It helps in function of our immune system. 

3. Good sleeping habits

Sleep is important as it helps our body to repair and to be fit next day, also a good sleep makes our mind fresh next day. 

Sleep is also important as eating and exercising. Many of us neglect our sleep and intend to sleep very less hours. 

Shirt sleep duration is one if the main reason for obesity. Poor sleep can lead to increase weight, also increases chances of heart diseases. 

We should try to sleep 6 -8 hours. Good sleep Increases memory. Also improves, the physical performance and boosts our immune system. 

4. Drinking more water

Many if us do not drink enough water each day  as , it is important to keep our body hydrated. 

Water helps our organs and cells to function well. It also helps in regulating our body temperature. 

Dehydration can lead to digestive problem, it helps in flushing out the waste. It prevents kidney damage. It helps to perform physical activity better. 

Drinking at least  3 - 4 litres of water can help in maintaining a healthy digestive system, also reduces physical strains. 

5. Meditation

Meditation is one of the important thing to practice due to our stressful and busy schedule. 

Meditation helps in many ways it manages high blood pressure, anxiety, depression etc. 

Meditation is a mind and body practice which helps in improving psychological balance, coping with illness. 

It helps in managing stress, builds an immune system, it also helps in developing our brain. 


So it is important to maintain a good health and try to perform healthy habits to reduce the risk of our health. 

By performing those simple habits we can maintain a good health and  be fit to perform our day to day activities. 

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